KeyShot Advanced Submitter

KeyShot Advanced Submitter supports both online and single click submission.

What is the Online KeyShot Advanced Submitter?

KeyShot Advanced Submitter is an easy to use and robust online toolset and visual interface that allows you to configure every aspect of the KeyShot render job and submit it.
When its paired with internal KeyShot submitter plugin it also detects the internal scene file data and gives you more and more functionalities and modifications all on fly without the need to re-uploading a new scene file.

KeyShot Support
  • 9
  • 10
  • 11
  • 12
  • Still Image Rendering
  • Animation Rendering
  • XR, Multi Material Rendering
  • Batch Rendering: NEW
    Studios Cameras Model Sets Image Styles Environments
KeyShot Advanced Submitter

KeyShot Online Advanced Submitter Features:

Here are some of most noticeable features of KeyShot Advanced Submitter:

  • Access to all KeyShot CPU and GPU engines
  • Configuring Render Modes and settings on fly
  • Video Encoder for animation jobs
  • Access to KeyShot XR Configuration
  • Overriding scene setting like Quality , Render Passes and so on
  • Configuring Image Style and Environment settings
  • Make Batch renders using studios, cameras, model sets and more
Submitter Demo
How to

How to access the Advanced Submitter?

KeyShot Online Advanced Submitter can be accessed via :

Submit New Job

KeyShot Submitter Plugin:

When you submit the job using submitter, it collects the scene data and pass them to online submitter, RenderShare local application is also opening the Advanced Submitter page in the system default browser so you can then submit the job.

Use Existing Project

Online Submitter:

The "Submit Job" button can be seen in all User Panel pages so you just need to open the dropdown menu and choose Advanced Submitter

Suggested Submission Method

Why should I use the KeyShot local submitter plugin to submit the job ?

  • The biggest benefit of using KeyShot local submitter is the auto scene data recognition, the KeyShot local submitter runs on KeyShot live scene from KeyShot scripting console and so it allows the submitter to collects scene data and send it to online submitter for more accurate and error free submissions.
  • When online submission is made KeyShot scene package is start uploading KeyShot scene package in background automatically using RenderShare client application
  • Reducing human mistake in submission data
  • Sanitizing scene data before sending to server which avoids possible farm errors and issues
Submitter Manual

Advanced Submitter Manual

Generic Options

Generic Options

Still Image

still image rendering




xr rendering

Maximum Samples

maximum sample

Custom Control

custom sample

Override Lighting Settings

Lighting Settings

Override Render Layer Settings

Render Layer Settings

Override Render Pass Settings

Render Pass Settings

Select/Override Default Scene State

Default SceneState
Lets go



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