We are happy to tell you that the rendering industry will be witnessing a brand-new render service from our RenderShot Cloud Render Farm. RenderShot is a one of a kind, and a dedicated KeyShot render farm paired with up-to-date technology.
Not only is this render farm incorporated with the customer-centered rendering services, it also gives users the chance to render with high end rendering servers – this makes it one of the biggest render farms so far, and a confirmation by Luxion after a continuous, and seamless usage of its plugin to provide a next-level single click experience during job submission is one of the things we are proud of – making job submission and rendering a breeze.
The value of this fully automated KeyShot Cloud Render farm is not only in its capability to give users a one of a kind rendering experience, but a powerful render farm that is built-int with a series of amazing cloud rendering services to make work flow easier.
We do not intend to stop here. We are still working round the clock to make sure further user-centric features are incorporated to solve any unforseen future problem while rendering.