RenderShot is offering a range of different pricing plans and customized offers to cover the client's needs, from individual artists to large companies

Rendering Plans

Built-in KeyShot Rendering Plans

There are currently three built-in render plans that are enabled by default for all users, and they can be selected on the job submission process. Each plan is associated with a different set of resources, and so turnaround times and costs are varied. It also determines the job rank in our internal render queue.

These plans are all shared plans, and depending on farm load, the available nodes are changing over time, but some balancing procedures are running on our end to ensure all the jobs are getting rendered at the earliest time and with the lowest cost possible.

The following plans are the most standard plans we are offering. Although the render plan name is already self-explanatory, you can also check the cost units for both GPU and CPU services.


A unique plan for students and artists who are running on a small budget. It provides users with fair amount of rendering power - you will never have to wait long.

cpu CPU: 88 Cores - $3.00/hr
gpu GPU: RTX 3090 - $1.50/hr


A balanced plan for both individuals and companies who do not have the time to wait. This plan lets you enjoy the benefits of a dedicated rendering power.

cpu CPU: 88 Cores - $6.00/hr
gpu GPU: RTX 3090 - $3.00/hr


The professional priority plan puts you are the top of the rendering chain without compromising quality. It is designed for those who want urgent deliveries.

cpu CPU: 88 Cores - $12.00/hr
gpu GPU: RTX 3090 - $6.00/hr
Job Cost


The RenderShot cost calculator is 99% accurate as long as you fill the form out correctly. For the highest accuracy, we suggest that you submit at least 10 frames.

The following exceptions may not provide you with accurate cost estimation:
  • Estimating a very small project
  • Estimating still frame renders that take under 5 hours to render on a modern CPU
  • Estimating projects with considerably different rendering time per frame
My Project
My Workstation
Dedicated Plans

Dedicated KeyShot Rendering Plans

Although the majority of our clients prefer the built-in plans, RenderShot also offers dedicated KeyShot rendering plans for clients who are trying to access the farm and consistent numbers of render nodes to meet the urgent deliveries.

Dedicated plans are going to give you a fixed number of nodes for the purchased period, there is no queue or waiting time on this plan and the submitted jobs are instantly starting on your dedicated nodes.

Daily Rental

Daily Rental:

  • CPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Intel Xeon 2699 88 Cores
  • GPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Nvidia RTX 3090
  • Cost Per Day: $ 150
Weekly Rental

Weekly Rental:

  • CPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Intel Xeon 2699 88 Cores
  • GPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Nvidia RTX 3090
  • Cost Per Week: $ 350
Monthly Rental

Monthly Rental:

  • CPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Intel Xeon 2699 88 Cores
  • GPU Render Power Unit: 2 x Nvidia RTX 3090
  • Cost Per Month: $ 650
Unlimited Plans

Unlimited KeyShot Rendering Plans

RenderShot has always been trying to help KeyShot community of CG artists and companies to remove the overheads of rendering locally at the lowest and most affordable cost.RenderShot unlimited plan is exclusively designed for the clients who are having renders consistently throughout a year and want to get the lowest cost for their jobs, on our unlimited plan you can queue as many jobs as you want exactly like all of our other plans but as this plan comes at a very low price compared to our expenses, the priority of the jobs is always set to lowest based on the farm load.

So, if you are looking for speedy guaranteed deliveries, this plan is not designed for you. you may still get instant deliveries but that's not guaranteed. RenderShot does not also apply any limitation on the number of render nodes and farm resources on this plan so if there is no job on the farm you will get the whole farm power!

Ultimate Rendering
Custom KeyShot Rendering
Customized Plans

Custom KeyShot Rendering Plans

If none of the rendering plans listed above work for your project or business, we can still design a custom pricing plan as per your needs that fits your budget!

Please contact us at and let us know more about your project or business.

Hybrid Pricing Model

Unlimited, Dedicated and Custom plans are an addition to our regular render plans and so even with these plans activated on your account you can still submit your jobs on regular built-in plans or switch job plan in real-time even on processing.

Hybrid Pricing

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